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The Fission Protocol is governed by FISN token holders.

Fission Foundation

Fission Foundation, a Cayman-based company, oversees management of the Fission Protocol and operates as a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), ensuring that the management and decision-making processes within the protocol are transparent, decentralized, and community-driven.

The FISN token serves as the governance token for the Fission Protocol. FISN token holders have the right to propose, discuss, and vote on various aspects of the protocol, including new features/products and Treasury fee allocation. The voting power of each FISN token holder is proportional to the number of tokens they hold.

The Foundation treasury contains all undistributed FISN tokens and collects protocol fees.

Governance Overview

FISN token holders vote to determine changes to the Fission protocol and on other governance issues like turning policies on or off and adding or updating modules.

FISN token holder votable functions:

  • new features proposal e.g. lend/borrow
  • new protocol integrations proposal e.g. Kinto
  • new products proposal e.g. PE fund
  • Treasury fee asset allocation
  • Election of 2/5 governance council members

Governance Council Functions:

  • Treasury FISN rewards and sales
  • Fee rates for the protocol
  • Foundation Director replacement appointment
  • Foundation expense management e.g. vendors


The treasury is controlled by the FISN token holders and managed by the Foundation Council. The Treasury also covers the operating expenses of the protocol. The treasury contains:

  • Fees from operating the Fission Protocol (0.25% interface fee on every trade)

  • Undistributed Ecosystem FISN tokens from Token Generation Event

  • Cash or stablecoins to cover operational expenditures

  • Yield-bearing or investment assets from deployment of fees received or sale of undistributed FISN. These assets and their allocations are selected by token holders in accordance with FISN token holder voting.